SDA Eligibility Checker
Our SDA Eligibility Checker is an easy-to-use tool, designed to help you find out if you are likely to be eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).
Note: The SDA Eligibility Checker is designed to provide guidance. Only the NDIA has the ability to determine SDA eligibility.
Click the Start button below to check your eligibility for SDA.
Last reviewed and updated 29 August 2023

SDA Eligibility Checker
Check your eligibility for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)* funding today by using Housing Hub’s simple online checker!
This tool will ask you a series of questions to help you determine whether you are likely to be eligible for SDA. Keep in mind that your result is an estimate based on Housing Hub’s experience and the NDIA will assess SDA eligibility on a case-by-case basis.
* SDA is a range of homes designed for people with extreme functional impairment and/or very high support needs. Click here to learn more about SDA funding.
Frequently Asked Questions
Any questions about SDA?
Contact our NDIS Housing Advice Line on 1300 61 64 63 from Monday - Friday, 10am - 3pm AEST or email us at
SDA Explainer Video Series
A video series explaining Specialist Disability Accommodation; what it is, how it works and much more!

There many myths that we hear about SDA and accessible housing that create barriers for people with disability who are looking for a suitable home. In our MythBusters series, we challenge these assumptions so people are aware of what is possible. Explore the facts here.