Learn more about the Home and Living Service team

The Housing Hub's Home and Living Service team supports people with disability, to access quality housing outcomes. Our team has expertise assisting people with disability across Australia who are living in the community and aged care, as well as people stuck in hospital.

We understand that finding the right home that meets a person’s unique needs and preferences can be challenging. That's why our team is dedicated to guiding people with disability and their support teams through a wide range of housing, funding, and support options tailored to their home and living goals.

Our team operates nationally and independently of any Housing Providers to ensure individual goals can be met.

The Home and Living Service is only available to those aged 18 and above.

Enquire or refer today

Our Values

Housing Hub is committed to engaging directly with people with disability to understand their housing needs and preferences. We uphold a rights-based approach that emphasises principles of choice, control and inclusion for people with disability. Our team maintain independence, ensuring no benefit, tangible or otherwise, is received from housing and support providers.

The Home and Living Service team:

  • Place people with disability at the centre of everything we do
  • Seek social change by being a leader in our sector by delivering sustainable and innovative services that provide people with disability choice over where and how they live
  • Build confidence in the housing sector through collaboration, capacity building and tenancy solutions
  • Deliver our work with an evidence-based approach.

Why use this service

We put participant preference first. We know that quality housing outcomes are achieved when participants' needs and preferences are front and centre to their housing journey.

We are the experts. The Housing Hub has been invested in quality housing for people with disability since its inception. With the introduction of the NDIS, our team has sought to be the subject matter experts and has led several initiatives that have aimed to educate the wider sector in relation to quality housing for people with disability. Our team has been at the forefront of NDIS housing options from the beginning and has expert knowledge of NDIS legislation. We know how to deliver quality reports that evidence eligibility so the person can get a goal aligned funding outcome.


Based on the person's home and living goals, we will tailor an individualised service agreement that aligns with their needs. The costs below outline our funding structure based on the current NDIS price guide.

  • Specialist Support Coordination - Level 3: $190.54/hr
  • Support Coordination - Level 2: $100.14/ hr
  • Individualised Living Options (ILO) - Design and Exploration: $100.14/hr

*Subject to change to be aligned with updated NDIS price guide

Meet the Team

Kaitlyn King

Kaitlyn King

Specialist Services Manager

Alison Pettit

Alison Pettit

Specialist Services Lead

Alex Hatzipanagiotis

Alex Hatzipanagiotis

Home and Living Specialist

Jade Marshall

Jade Marshall

Home and Living Specialist

Jane Mariager

Jane Mariager

Home and Living Specialist

Karissa Janssen

Karissa Janssen

Home and Living Specialist

Lexi Gao

Lexi Gao

Home and Living Specialist

Lydia Dockrill

Lydia Dockrill

Clinical Practice Advisor

Lynette Teo

Lynette Teo

Home and Living Specialist

Michele Allen

Michele Allen

National Intake Coordinator

Sinead McKee

Sinead McKee

Home and Living Specialist

Susan Robinson

Susan Robinson

National Services Coordinator

Melissa Efstathiou

Melissa Efstathiou

Aged Care to Home Services Lead (Parental Leave)

The Housing Hub Specialist Services Team is the winner of the Team Award at the 2023 Disability Staff Recognition Awards (Melbourne).

The team has been recognised as the most outstanding NDIS provider team that displays exceptional service to participants in the disability sector.

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Contact us

Contact us on 1300 322 013 or specialists@housinghub.org.au today.

Learn more about the Home and Living Service team

The Housing Hub's Home and Living Service team supports people with disability, to access quality housing outcomes. Our team has expertise assisting people with disability across Australia who are living in the community and aged care, as well as people stuck in hospital.

We understand that finding the right home that meets a person’s unique needs and preferences can be challenging. That's why our team is dedicated to guiding people with disability and their support teams through a wide range of housing, funding, and support options tailored to their home and living goals.

Our team operates nationally and independently of any Housing Providers to ensure individual goals can be met.

The Home and Living Service is only available to those aged 18 and above.

Enquire or refer today

Our Values

Housing Hub is committed to engaging directly with people with disability to understand their housing needs and preferences. We uphold a rights-based approach that emphasises principles of choice, control and inclusion for people with disability. Our team maintain independence, ensuring no benefit, tangible or otherwise, is received from housing and support providers.

The Home and Living Service team:

  • Place people with disability at the centre of everything we do
  • Seek social change by being a leader in our sector by delivering sustainable and innovative services that provide people with disability choice over where and how they live
  • Build confidence in the housing sector through collaboration, capacity building and tenancy solutions
  • Deliver our work with an evidence-based approach.

Why use this service

We put participant preference first. We know that quality housing outcomes are achieved when participants' needs and preferences are front and centre to their housing journey.

We are the experts. The Housing Hub has been invested in quality housing for people with disability since its inception. With the introduction of the NDIS, our team has sought to be the subject matter experts and has led several initiatives that have aimed to educate the wider sector in relation to quality housing for people with disability. Our team has been at the forefront of NDIS housing options from the beginning and has expert knowledge of NDIS legislation. We know how to deliver quality reports that evidence eligibility so the person can get a goal aligned funding outcome.


Based on the person's home and living goals, we will tailor an individualised service agreement that aligns with their needs. The costs below outline our funding structure based on the current NDIS price guide.

  • Specialist Support Coordination - Level 3: $190.54/hr
  • Support Coordination - Level 2: $100.14/ hr
  • Individualised Living Options (ILO) - Design and Exploration: $100.14/hr

*Subject to change to be aligned with updated NDIS price guide

Meet the Team

Kaitlyn King

Kaitlyn King

Specialist Services Manager

Alison Pettit

Alison Pettit

Specialist Services Lead

Alex Hatzipanagiotis

Alex Hatzipanagiotis

Home and Living Specialist

Jade Marshall

Jade Marshall

Home and Living Specialist

Jane Mariager

Jane Mariager

Home and Living Specialist

Karissa Janssen

Karissa Janssen

Home and Living Specialist

Lexi Gao

Lexi Gao

Home and Living Specialist

Lydia Dockrill

Lydia Dockrill

Clinical Practice Advisor

Lynette Teo

Lynette Teo

Home and Living Specialist

Michele Allen

Michele Allen

National Intake Coordinator

Sinead McKee

Sinead McKee

Home and Living Specialist

Susan Robinson

Susan Robinson

National Services Coordinator

Melissa Efstathiou

Melissa Efstathiou

Aged Care to Home Services Lead (Parental Leave)

The Housing Hub Specialist Services Team is the winner of the Team Award at the 2023 Disability Staff Recognition Awards (Melbourne).

The team has been recognised as the most outstanding NDIS provider team that displays exceptional service to participants in the disability sector.

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Contact us

Contact us on 1300 322 013 or specialists@housinghub.org.au today.