Solving Problems In NDIS Housing - Getting It Right
A reflection on the creation of brand new information that you can find on the Housing Hub to help you solve problems in NDIS housing.
Have you ever had to give feedback to one of your providers and been a bundle of nerves because you don’t know how they would take it?
Or maybe you are a provider who has received feedback and just not sure how you should respond?
On the Housing Hub, you can find great new information that will help in these situations. Work out what all the jargon means, who to talk to about common problems, how shared support should work, and how to make service agreements work for you. Also, learn the important part that culture plays in solving problems, and how to go about improving the culture in your NDIS housing.
This information has been made by the Housing Hub, Summer Foundation and a team of people who have real-world experience of facing and solving problems in NDIS housing – Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and supported housing tenants, Housing Providers and Support Providers.
The co-design process to develop this information – which spanned 15 months and included more than 35 workshops and over 30 1:1 testing sessions – was made possible with funding assistance from the NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission.

During the workshop process, one co-designer involved in the project said, “The primary reason I feel excited about being part of the co-design workshops is that it has given me such a sense of empowerment.”
The process has been a win-win and we couldn’t have done it without the help of our co-design team of participants, supporters and providers.
Recently, we caught up with a number of the people involved in the co-design of this new information to check in and have them reflect on the project.
One co-designer, Bridget, said her favourite part of the resources was the video explainers as they provide simple but effective ways for all audience groups to understand each other’s perspectives by “roles being reversed.”
Bridget said:
“It’s a really quirky way of watching the dynamics between providers and participants.”
Another co-designer, Helen, shared similar thoughts. She hopes these new resources will help providers see the points of view of their tenants and “see what’s possible.”
Helen said:
“For me, in particular, it was the combination of the written bit for people who like to read things in detail. Then, there were the video explainers, which I thought were excellent […] They just personalised it all and made it so easy to understand.”
Looking to the future, another co-designer said, “After this project, I have a better education about NDIS roles and responsibilities and feel more confident to navigate this in the future.”
Don’t be on the wrong side and know how to get it right when receiving or giving feedback. Know your rights and how to have an open an honest conversation with your providers or tenants by taking a look at our “Solving Problems in NDIS Housing” information now.
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